Officers of FBLA consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Parliamentarian. Each of these position have their own specific duties, however each officer plays a vital role in planning projects, and being a contributing and supporting member of the FBLA Executive team. Officers are expected to possess strong bases of knowledge about hte organization and be able to intelligently discuss ideas and issues affecting the chapter.
There are numerous officers within FBLA, and they each serve their own respective and equally important purpose.
The President presides over all meetings and prepares an agenda for each meeting with correspondance with the Secretary, keeps in close contact with each officer, member, and adviser, represents the chapter at special functions, and plan and prepare documents for all activities.
The Vice-President, presides over meetings in the absence of the president, assist the president in discharging their duties, among various other responsibilities.
The Secretary prepares and reads the minutes of meetings, provides the president with a written agenda for each meeting, sends out meeting notices, reads communications at meetings, and aids the treasurer in keeping an accurate member roll.
The Treasurer works with advisors in depositing funds in the FBLA student activity/event account, keeps financial records in an excel sheet, oversees appropriate fund-raising activities, and counts money and prepares depoist slip of mony collected from fund-raisers.
The Parliamentarian advises the President and other chapter members/officers on parliamentary procedure, maintains reference materials pertaining to parliamentary procedure for each meeting, and makes sure that all chapter meetings are conducted in an orderly manner.
The Reporter prepares news releases or articles for the lcal chapter of all FBLA activities within one week of the activity, submits articles to the national magazine, and aids in preparing the annual report.
The Recorder counts and keeps track of all votes when taken place, records the minutes of the meeting and corresponds with the Secretary in regards to this, amongst other duties.
You must meet the following requirements to be eligible to register for FBLA:
Must be currently enrolled at Richlands High School.
Must have, and maintain, a 2.0 GPA.
No disciplinary actions taken against you within the current school year. This may vary depending on the severity of the disciplinary actions.
To register, visit Room 215 or Room 212
Richlands FBLA requires a due of $20 at the beginning of the year following your registration for local fees. This accounts for $10 National dues, $4 State dues, and $6 dollar chapter dues.
Richlands High School FBLA will do numerous fundraisers each and every year. This will allow us to attend more FBLA events, and or conferences, provide better equipment for FBLA, and more. These fund raisers are overseen by the Treasurer, and if enough money is raised, the Chapter will be awarded with the FBLA Gold Seal.
Richlands High School FBLA goes on numerous trips, conferences, and meetings during the year. While, during COVID-19, many of these trips are extremely limited and sometimes cancelled once the pandemic is entirely over we will go back to our normal routine of going on many trips that you will not want to miss out on!